Forum:Gregg Braden article?
I think this site should help the debunk of Gregg Braden with an article. His way of putting science, shamanism, religion and mysticism all in a cup is dangerous, especially in the field of quantum physics and the understanding of consciousness. I saw one slide of his that was pointing to the fact that the universe has a structure similar to the one of our neural system. Is it true? Obviously in that case the thing was towards pointing to a cosmic consciousness and gods.. The obvious pseudoscience shit.
Here's some clue
Gianga23 (talk) 09:48, 17 January 2014 (UTC)
I would, but I don't want to do some misinformation here. I'd like some information to clear things up, and show that it's only crank. If this site's about debunking pseudoscience, I think that someone who actually knows about science and serious objective epistemology should do it. I'm a law student interested in science, not a cosmologist or neurologist :D I might add it to de to do list, and wait for someone (with a clue about what he's talking about) tells it how it is.
Gianga23 (talk) 10:37, 17 January 2014 (UTC)
Ok I started it, but i'm a noob, now's up to the scientist! Heeelp!