Talk:Council of Conservative Citizens

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I think the person that created this article has an agenda and is not reporting the truth at all. If you want to find out about any group do your own research, go to their site and form your own opinion.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

Any specific elements of the article that are untrue?--SpecialFFrog (talk) 13:59, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
The Southern Poverty Law Center says:
an Intelligence Report investigation, publicized by national television and newspaper reports, made clear what the CCC really was: a hate group that routinely denigrated blacks as "genetically inferior," complained about "Jewish power brokers," called LGBT people "perverted sodomites," accused immigrants of turning America into a "slimy brown mass of glop," and named Lester Maddox, the now-deceased, ax handle-wielding, arch-segregationist former governor of Georgia, "Patriot of the Century."
They have the resources to do better research than most of the rest of us. Flux gate gamma (talk) 14:10, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
I suspect the BoN was trying to some pre-emptive damage control. The group is the news for being one of the sources of inspiration for the recent South Carolina shootings and afterwards claiming that the shooter had "legitimate grievances". [1]--SpecialFFrog (talk) 14:13, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
HMM. That should prolly be in the article. Peace. AgingHippie (talk) 14:16, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
I slipped it in. Might have overdone the dark humour, though. Queexchthonic murmurings 14:44, 22 June 2015 (UTC)