Talk:Humanistic psychology

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A science or woo woo? Can't get it straight . Why people always use terms like "trascendence" or "religious experience" to describe their awe and concern about the beauty of the world? Happiness and wonder are far more realistic and less monopolized. Edwin Wilson was right when he said that "Humanistic psychologists such as Erich Fromm and A. H. Maslow offer the churches a way to save face. Religious experience, state the humanistic psychologists, is possible within a naturalized and humanized setting. Eventually the churches that have so desperately fought Humanism may try to say that it is what they meant all the time." One can create meaning, love life, and even feel an aesthetic sense of union with all things, and be an atheist. In fact everything before the big bang was physically one, so it's the most natural thing to feel the connectivity with nature. You don't have to believe in gods or cosmic consciousness to do so. It's an immanent feeling. Gianga23 (talk) 08:37, 17 January 2014 (UTC)