Sterile for mod

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Last edit: 05:31, 27 December 2012

All my concerns about Sterile as a person with modicums of power have been blown away in this blowing advertisement.

Nihilist02:08, 27 December 2012

Thanks. It is pretty blowing if I do say so myself. What a strange thing to say about Sterile. He hasn't been that active since well before you ever showed up. I know him to have better judgment than moderators I'd like to see replaced.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg05:01, 27 December 2012

Actually, i don't really care about who're the moderators. I just wanted to make a joke involving the base word 'blow'.

Nihilist05:39, 27 December 2012

Ok but go easy. I'm very sensitive about my campaign posters. I need lots of praise.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg05:53, 27 December 2012

In that case, i love it!

Nihilist06:33, 27 December 2012

I was going to vote for Sterile anyways, based off the fact that he owns the Maratrean socks that are not mine.

Reckless Noise Symphony (talk)12:30, 27 December 2012