No, no, no. And it's mildly offensive that you would suggest that. Just mildly, but still offensive.

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Bullshit. You're the one who's pretentious, trying to act like you know French better than a native speaker. I would not have brought up any of this if you'd just had the decency to, you know, FUCK OFF.

I don't like taking extra time to insert cedilles and accents circonflexes and whatnot. And that's fine because anyone who knows French will still know what I mean. If you think there's so much difference between français and francais, then that's your problem, not mine.

But hey, if you like showing off your fancy French orthography to everybody, go ahead and knock yourself out. Just don't put your cultural inferiority complex on me. Being born in France and raised to speak French, I've an intrinsically superior grasp of the language than you'll ever have. Not you nor any of the other French speakers on this site (there're a few more, natives, too. Akjgordon is one, I believe) can tell me otherwise based on what I might write here on this website. So the next time I make or appear to make an error in something I've typed out in French that isn't in mainspace, just shut up.

User:Brxbrx/sig18:21, 30 October 2011

Still butthurt about this four days later? Still responding to imaginary critiçisms rather than what people actually say?

1. for the third time, it was BASIC GRAMMAR you had wrong, not accents. I don't use accents when i type. I read fine without it, just like most people who read and write in french. your mistakes were of teh type "I is going". your verb did not match your subject. get it? that's not accents. for teh third time.

2. for teh second time. I doubt i speak it better than you, though now, I'm beginning to wonder since you can't even manage to read english. my point was that you pronounced your frenchness with really crappy french. AGAIN, NOT ACCENTS. your word order was akward (from a native french speaker), as it is in the articles you write. it's english with french words.

3. for teh record, someone who goes to his elementary, jr. high, and highschool in the US is "american", or "american french", cause for what it's worth, culturally one learns almost everything about their world after they start abstracting (so 5 or 6 for most children). How you view education, how you view commercialsm, how you view the use of energy, how you treat your teachers and parents, how much education is valued, how much arts are valued, how much after school time is valued are all cultural, and I'm guessing you just don't have it. and that is not your fault, it's called BEING RAISED IN THE STATES.

again, you want to make straw men ? fine with me. it amuses me to watch your inferiority complex (and or trolling, which ever)come to the front every time you interact.

me? I'm likely not better than you at french. for the thrid time now.

But hey, don't let me stop you from defining yourself as "other" if it makes you happy. when you go to france, making the kinds of mistakes you make in your language, and say to them "I'm french", i'm sure they will smile at you and say "of course! Now let's a go on strike!"

Pink mowse.pngGodotTue pour toujours, et tu veux vivre aussi.12:58, 31 October 2011

No no no. He was only "other" before his glorious revolution (the one in which you were rendered an anchronism) that rescued the subalterns from years of post-colonialism oppression at the hands of the Bureaucrat class. Now he is the Voice of a New RationalWiki. Get use to it, Godot. This is not your circlejerk anymore. I'm sorry my dear but you're history, and not even interesting history.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg13:22, 31 October 2011

You missed out a reference to persecuting Jews.

ADK...I'll masturbate your dystopia!13:27, 31 October 2011

Shows how much you were paying attention, Armondikov. It wasn't a reference to persecuting Jews. It was a reference to murdering thousands of Jews, which was obviously the state of affairs here on RationalWiki before Brx seized control from an abusive patriarchy patriarchy that was perfectly happy condoning and even encouraging trolling and harassment. Count yourself lucky you weren't disappeared or even murdered for your views like were so many Jews in 1391 and former bureaucrats in 2011.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg13:46, 31 October 2011

Yes, but compared to the sheer Fascist actions of the Elite of RationalWiki, the difference between murdering and persecuting is merely minimal bean counting!

ADK...I'll edify your lollipop!13:48, 31 October 2011

We had to be stopped. I'm sure facilitating Brx's velvet revolution was exactly what you had in mind when you messed around with user rights back in may. Anything to stop the genocide.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg13:53, 31 October 2011

I have to admit, it's kinda funny when both Blue and Nutty agree on someone.

I was talking about a law that was "trying" to be passed here in Colo, and the Dem gov, the Republican house and the Mixed senate all SCREAMED "NO NO NO NO, FUCKING NO". You have to admit, if people from all sides agree, then it's a really fucking scary prospect.

Now, piss off. I'm 10 months away from being french, myself, and have to go practice dressing in stylish layers (and if you ever saw how "hick lazy" I dress, this is seriously a learning curve- are there even obese french people?), acting superior (oh, wait, maybe he *is* french), and learning how to go on strike once every other month.

vive le chocolat!~

Pink mowse.pngGodotTue pour toujours, et tu veux vivre aussi.14:00, 31 October 2011

Psh. I agree with Blue and AD a lot more than I disagree. I regret that I've come off as angry when it comes to policy stuff and that things are too polarized for that to be apparent. They're goosestepping fascists ready to line us all up and assign us numbers to stand in line for soup but they're mostly alright and they've definitely got RW's best interests at heart. Cuddles, the Sainted Nutty Roux

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg14:20, 31 October 2011

I just want us all to get along? Why can't we all just get along. Just get along, all of us - why can't we? We cant just get along, all of us. Just get along, little dogies get along.

Pink mowse.pngGodotTue pour toujours, et tu veux vivre aussi.14:26, 31 October 2011