The evils of the power company

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Good news: I have power :D

Bad news: My water heater is so horribly rusted it cannot be turned on. The "deacitaved" wall heater still had gas going to it so the workman put a warning sign on it that cannot be removed until I get the land lord to fix it. Likewise, the landlord is required to light the pilot light on the stove. He just went on a week vacation.

Am I not allowed to have a nice day?

ТyrannisPlead01:55, 2 June 2012

Nope. How's the candle supply?

Peter with added ‼Science‼02:06, 2 June 2012

Hooray for wilderness survival training.

ТyrannisPlead02:14, 2 June 2012

who needs a bath. food can be delievery. most importantly, you have power and internet (?)

Green mowse.pngGodotWhen I graduated, Cognative Science of Religion didn't even exist! now it's everywhere02:19, 2 June 2012

I have internet because I'm house sitting currently. I get internet Monday.

ТyrannisPlead02:32, 2 June 2012