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Mechanical clockwork[edit]

These alleged scientists don't realize that the age of Newton's Mechanical Clockwork is over.Really...

Newton's views[edit]

Just to clarify; Newton declared that everything operates mechanically and can be predicted like clockwork.Not really. Newton never "declared" that, or anything, particularly as that isn't how science works. But generally, we have Newton's work on mechanics, which allows us to predict outcomes. This works, but to say it's "clockwork" is far too simplistic and frankly, moronic.

Objective observation[edit]

Science in Newton’s view, being nothing more than the act of observing, meant that this world view was easily perpetuated by independent observers all over the world.Science isn't a worldview for a start, but the fact that it can be objective and observed and agreed on by everyone is the great strength, if not the actual point of science.

Subatomic physics[edit]

In the late 19th century, science entered into the era of subatomic physics, which changed everything. Scientists discovered that the so-called ‘subatomic particles’ were not particles at all. They behaved like particles when they were measured but they traveled like waves. This is way too simplified, although it's sort of right. Sub atomic particles are neither waves, nor particles, but something else completely that has the properties of both. Full explanations of this is really beyond the scope of even a dedicated RW article.

Quantum woo[edit]

Quantum theory has changed everything, because what was once a mechanical, external universe has now become a web of intelligence. Science finally admits that the simple act of observing changes the result of any experiment, and by extension, that the observer and the observed are not separate. Quantum theory has changed everything, true. But this web-of-intelligence sounds suspect. The act of observation changing the observed is a property of quantum mechanical, i.e., very small and minute, phenomena. It basically means that to observe something, you need to interact it with a photon and observe the information change. The interaction changes what you observe, true. Essentially, what you're looking at is the nature of this interaction, not observing something directly. But this only applies to things on the quantum scale, such as with spectrscopy.

What does not follow[edit]

What follows from this new understanding is a completely different way of dealing with the world we perceive. Our old model of an objective world view has to be replaced with a new model that states everything is subjective, the observer influencing the observed. Again, the previous statement applies to the quantum world, we model the macroscopic world differently. To say that quantum mechanical phenomena somehow have an effect at this scale is just plain wrong. Quantum mechanics is not an objective excuse for selective application of NOMA, moral and cultural relativity or the idea that "all knowledge is just opinion" as touted by creationists and woo-meisters alike when wanting to pretend their ideas have merit.

And now lets go for the name calling[edit]

Enter the healings that are spoken of and (laughingly) cut down here. Whether it be Christian Science, 7th day Adventists, eastern religious beliefs or some other belief system. These guys here know nothing and what I see myself is nothing more than hate mongering, and they cannot even prove anything they lay out here at their site! Nice for the compliment. We do enjoy laughably cutting this down.

Maybe these guys should offer proof for once! All I can see from this whole discussion is a bunch of know it nothings shooting off their mouths like they actually know something. Science is not limited to 1 definition as one of the original boneheads here stated. It can also be interpreted as was originally posted by Bob. All I see on this site no proof of anything. If you don't want to see the proof, you will not see it. RW does not claim to be perfect, but it does try to be honest.

Maybe the creators of this site should put up or shut up for once. We have put up. Now you can shut up.