User:Genghis Khant/Ken shout
Conservapedia's evolution article is ranked #10 for the search evolution at the Yahoo search engine and ranked #9 for the search evolution at the AltaVista search engine![1][2] Conservapedia's evolution article has been gaining in ranking at the Google search engine for the search evolution and definitely will have MOMENTUM going into 2009! Conservapedia's atheism article is currently ranked #6 at Google for the search atheism! [3] Conservapedia's evolution article is currently ranked in the top 25 Google search engine results for the search evolution.[4] Watch some of Conservapedia's Culture War articles rise in the search engine rankings in the coming months!!! Stay tuned for details!!! If an internet article is built with content that tips over a liberal sacred cow people will come! People will definitely come!!! Build it and they will come!!!!