User:Mack Coster/voteanalyzer
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::ParseDate;
use MediaWiki::API;
use JSON;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8:';
if (@ARGV != 4) {
print STDERR "usage: voteanalyzer voting-page-title first-vote-section"
. " last-vote-section time-range\n";
exit -1;
my $votepage = $ARGV[0];
my @votesections = $ARGV[1]..$ARGV[2];
my $range = parsedate($ARGV[3]) or die "could not parse time-range: $!";
my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new({api_url => '',
use_http_get => 1});
my $newpages = $mw->list({action => 'query',
list => 'recentchanges',
rcprop => 'user|title',
rcshow => '!redirect',
rctype => 'new',
rcnamespace => '0',
rcend => $range})
or die "could not connect to rationalwiki: $!";
my $now = localtime;
my $past = localtime $range;
print "Looking at new mainspace non-redirect pages "
. "from now ($now) to $past.\n";
print "From\n";
my %newcount;
my %titles;
for my $page (@$newpages) {
my $creator = $page->{user};
$titles{$creator} = [] unless $titles{$creator};
push @{$titles{$creator}}, $page->{title};
my @rank = sort { $newcount{$b} <=> $newcount{$a} } keys %newcount;
for my $user (@rank) {
print "$user created $newcount{$user} article";
print "s" if $newcount{$user} != 1;
print ":\n";
for my $title (@{$titles{$user}}) {
print "\t$title\n";
my %voters;
for my $section (@votesections) {
print "----\nFrom $votepage, section $section:\n";
my $response = $mw->api({action => 'query',
prop => 'revisions',
titles => $votepage,
rvprop => 'content',
rvexpandtemplates => '1',
rvsection => $section}) or die $!;
my @content;
my @values = values %{$response->{query}->{pages}};
my $text = $values[0]->{revisions}->[0]->{'*'};
@content = split("\n", $text);
my $option = shift @content;
$option =~ s/^\s*=*\s*([^=]+).*$/$1/;
$option =~ s/\s+$//;
$voters{$option} = [];
print "The following users voted for $option:\n";
my $user = 'johnny';
for my $line (@content) {
$user = '' if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
if (!$user) {
$line =~ m@User(( |_)talk)?:([^/|\]]+)@;
$user = $3;
next unless $user;
$user =~ s/_/ /g;
print "\t$user, rank: " . ($newcount{$user} or 0) . "\n";
push @{$voters{$option}}, $user;
print "----\nWeighed on this data the results would be:\n";
for my $option (keys %voters) {
my $votes = 0;
for my $user (@{$voters{$option}}) {
$votes += $newcount{$user} if $newcount{$user};
print "\t$option received $votes vote";
print 's' if $votes != 1;
print "\n";
> ./voteanalyzer 'RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards' 16 21 '- 1 year'
Looking at new mainspace non-redirect pages from now (Wed Sep 21 03:33:25 2011) to Tue Sep 21 03:33:20 2010. From Balaam created 27 articles: Ron McVan David Lane New Communist Party of Britain Palestine Solidarity Campaign The Unhived Mind Youngy Andrew Neather Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist) Respect Party One Law for All John Jay UK Indymedia Alan Lake Abdel Bari Atwan Conspiracy theories surrounding the Oslo attacks Lee Ingram Abdullah Yusuf Azzam Illuminati (game) Cutting Edge Ministries Joseph "Doc" Marquis New Right Johann Hari Woden's Folk Nation of Yahweh Muslim Council of Britain Raed Salah Might is Right Maratrean created 26 articles: Great Apostasy Schism Eastern Churches Waldensians Duns Scotus Vetus Latina Polygenesis Independent Catholic churches Hyper-Calvinism Preterism Douay-Rheims One world religion One world government Council of Europe Christology Bible translation Antipope Annihilationism Pesher Habakkuk Sappho 4 Maccabees 3 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Pseudepigrapha Cosmodicy Nebuchadnezzar created 21 articles: Eurabia Frank Gaffney Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Michael Crichton Racial realism Zionist Occupation Government Chlorella Sam Francis Anti-Catholicism Heteronormativity Chuck Baldwin Anti-relativity Bourgeois pseudoscience Gerson Therapy States' Rights Democratic Party Armenian Genocide denial Alan Caruba Canada Free Press Acid rain Investor's Business Daily James Hansen ZooGuard created 13 articles: Xenoglossy Alphabiotics Consegrity Hale crater Zetetic Zener cards Cupping Tasseography Ignatius L. Donnelly Jacques Vallée James Oberg Black triangle Bradley Monton Socal212 created 12 articles: Sierra Club Warren Jeffs Berkeley Free Speech Movement Affordable Care Act Timothy Geithner Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton Boson Gretchen Carlson Lou Dobbs Last Supper Jan Brewer WaitingforGodot created 8 articles: Dialectics Very special episode Summary of the Book of Genesis Handkerchief code RU-486 History of abortion Embryo Evidence linking abortion to breast cancer Ty created 7 articles: Bolivia King David Laura Knight Jadczyk Giordano Bruno Haikouichthys Indulgence Mary Celeste Feredir28 created 5 articles: Christopher Langan Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar: The Hovind Theory Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar: The Dangers of Evolution Creation Today Native Americans and Christianity Osaka Sun created 4 articles: Futurama Stephen Harper 2001 Clear Channel memorandum CBC Chaosof99 created 4 articles: The Periodic Table of Videos Sixty Symbols Ask an Atheist QualiaSoup AD created 4 articles: Spurious rigor Shaming Biological determinism Catcher in the Rye Danfly created 4 articles: Sanal Edamaruku Tantra Crackpot index Hilton Ratcliffe Winttrix created 3 articles: Americans Elect Waffen-SS Puppet state created 3 articles: Model legislation VDARE Manhattan Institute P-Foster created 3 articles: Vietnam syndrome Template Meh Israel Defence Force Cacterpus created 3 articles: The Blaze Virtual particles In vitro meat UHM created 3 articles: Americentrism Pirate Party Political Parties of Germany ListenerX created 3 articles: Systems thinking John Calvin American Legislative Exchange Council LucidFox created 3 articles: Viktor Petrik Gender binary Athorism Human created 3 articles: Chick-fil-A Texas v. Johnson AARP Tom Morris created 3 articles: Steve Pavlina Andrea Minichiello Williams Nadine Dorries Proxima Centauri created 2 articles: Army of God Menstruation Bob M created 2 articles: Maratreanism Prince Charles Earth created 2 articles: Childfree movement Extinctionism Thorvelden created 2 articles: Anders Behring Breivik John Eidsmoe Genghis Khant created 2 articles: Lights in the night Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain created 2 articles: Victor J. Stenger Miracle Detectives Armondikov created 2 articles: Dogma (film) Mensur Omerbashich CopernicustheYounger created 2 articles: Francis Schaeffer Plague Subsound created 2 articles: Doug Rokke Rooibos tea PeterL created 2 articles: Brian Thomas John Morris Lawnmower Joe created 2 articles: The Mysterious Origins of Man Tiwanaku Gomer created 2 articles: Ted Holden Christopher Booker I'm not Jesus created 2 articles: National Secular Society John Paul II DasRationalpersone created 2 articles: Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti Jesusophile created 2 articles: Fifth column News of the World Crundy created 2 articles: Joe Power Melatonin created 2 articles: Technocracy movement Chemurgy movement The Anti-Conservapedia created 1 article: RW:Free Marcus Now! created 1 article: Drum and Bass created 1 article: Matthew Bracken Natman created 1 article: Fukushima One ZILtoid1991 created 1 article: Ateizmus Hamster created 1 article: Thailand created 1 article: Addicted to Hate Rsia08 created 1 article: Science (TV channel) created 1 article: Francis Parker Yockey created 1 article: Richard Kent Rationalizer created 1 article: Rick Perry Reckless Noise Symphony created 1 article: Bradlee Dean Tetronian created 1 article: Absence of evidence created 1 article: Ethnic Cleansing (video game) David Gerard created 1 article: Bitcoin Rabbitxhampster created 1 article: Alberto Gonzales Real first name and last initial created 1 article: President BruceGrubb created 1 article: Weston Price Brendiggg created 1 article: The Day After Tomorrow JzG created 1 article: Jeremy Sherr Nasreddin created 1 article: Bit KevinR1990 created 1 article: Contagion JimJast created 1 article: Spacetime DevilishlyHandsome created 1 article: Atheism 3.0 MDB created 1 article: Bryan Fischer EauDeCologne created 1 article: Anthony Weiner Amateur scientician created 1 article: Web Bot Project Lpetrich created 1 article: Politicized pseudosciences Mectrixctic created 1 article: Here be Dragons Klaus Vos created 1 article: Cyber-bullying created 1 article: James McKeever Dr.Smart created 1 article: Buzz Aldrin Doctor Dark created 1 article: Prevention (magazine) created 1 article: Revolutionary Communist Party Thunderkatz created 1 article: Akashic Records created 1 article: Big Bad Chinese Mama created 1 article: IBGYBG KrissAkabusiAwoogar created 1 article: What proof or evidence do you have that atheism is true and correct? Abadidea created 1 article: Asherah Sprocket J Cogswell created 1 article: Conservation of government Scream!! created 1 article: Freethought blogs The Anti-Christ created 1 article: We don't need a God anymore if he even did exist ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 16: The following users voted for Option Zero: Status Quo: LArron, rank: 0 Filby, rank: 0 Tielec01, rank: 0 TheEgyptian, rank: 0 Blue, rank: 0 Night Jaguar, rank: 0 Kupochama, rank: 0 Ironclad, rank: 0 Nutty Roux, rank: 0 Reckless Noise Symphony, rank: 1 Senator Harrison, rank: 0 Hamster, rank: 1 Sterile, rank: 0 Tmtoulouse, rank: 0 MarkGall, rank: 0 Maratrean, rank: 26 Ty, rank: 7 Eira, rank: 0 Human, rank: 3 Stabby the Misanthrope, rank: 0 AD, rank: 4 ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 17: The following users voted for Option One: Wild West: Icewedge, rank: 0 ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 18: The following users voted for Option Two: Community Property: Nx, rank: 0 nickheer, rank: 0 Röstigraben, rank: 0 SuspectedReplicant, rank: 0 brxbrx, rank: 0 Iscariot, rank: 0 Damo, rank: 0 Alain, rank: 0 Noodledicksissypants, rank: 0 ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 19: The following users voted for Option Three: User's Castle: π, rank: 0 Bob M, rank: 2 Oldusgitus, rank: 0 LowKey, rank: 0 Crundy, rank: 2 UHM, rank: 3 Theemperor, rank: 0 Psygremlin, rank: 0 RobSmith, rank: 0 I fucked the girl in Hanson, rank: 0 WaitingforGodot, rank: 8 DickTurpis, rank: 0 Socal212, rank: 12 Genghis Khant, rank: 2 Rursus, rank: 0 Mack Coster, rank: 0 Eyeonicr, rank: 0 Secret Squirrel, rank: 0 ListenerX, rank: 3 ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 20: The following users voted for Option Four: Moderation: ---- From RationalWiki Talk:Community Standards, section 21: The following users voted for Goat: Ajkgordon, rank: 0 Tetronian, rank: 1 Durbinator, rank: 0 ArchieGoodwin, rank: 0 ---- Weighed on this data the results would be: Goat received 1 vote Option Zero: Status Quo received 42 votes Option Four: Moderation received 0 votes Option Two: Community Property received 0 votes Option One: Wild West received 0 votes Option Three: User's Castle received 32 votes