CLoM » Doors

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This is a list of things about doors.

  1. doors are either locked or unlocked
  2. if a door is unlocked, you can lock it. Or if it is locked you can unlock it.
  3. you can only do that once. < THIS IS IMPORTANT
  4. most doors start locked and then stay unlocked. You can't decide to shut them later, or if you do you won't be able. If you took one liter of grease and water, and heated it to burning, and rubbed it into your hands, you would experience something close.
  5. some doors start unlocked and then become locked. I eventually decided I liked these doors.
  6. you can only see what is on the other side while it is unlocked.
  7. Locking a door is much simpler. You can go on one side to see what is there, and then come back and lock it.
  8. Doors separate space so that you can think in terms of distinct parts of space without having to keep your mind on more than a handful of variables at one time. The effect is that you can reach conclusions. Doors are not quite like walls, because walls are not permanent. Doors allow us to put up walls. We cut the world into little bits, and then leave it like that. Doors also connect people. If we didn't have doors (and walls) we wouldn't be able to think in a certain way. We pretend that other people are predictable (1) and that they vary in predictable ways (everyone has one door and four walls) (2). < I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. LIAR.
  9. I lock doors

I feel a bit ill (surprise). I'm sure I'll change my mind later.

Goodnight, Log. --Mei

--22:11, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

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