CLoM » The End of Lists

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The End of Lists

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In my mission statement I mentioned my plan to phase out lists. The process begins today. Over the next few years lists will be seamlessly replaced with anecdotes. Lists have become an inappropriate way of communicating in the modern era: like talking too quietly or shouting at the top of your breath.

I have compiled a list that covers the main drawbacks of lists. This is not a joke, it's just the most efficient way of expressing this information. I actually tried to think of another way to get my point across, but all I could think of was lists.

  1. The main drawback of a list is that Mei already writes too many lists. Seriously. If I'm not doing something else it's because I'm busy writing a list. Right now is an example, because I should be doing something else and instead I'm writing a list.
  2. If you write a list in public, people will respect you less and may attempt to undermine your financial position.
  3. Lists do not come in so many colors. Usually they will be black.
  4. Lists reinforce the notion of an atomized world in which all physical and conceptual objects are functionally discrete.
  5. Lists are not the warm smile of a cute girl. x___X
  6. All lists tend towards infinity, which can be kinda dangerous or at least time consuming. What would happen if you got stuck at the end of an infinitely long list? Nothing good. I mean it's not so likely but it could still happen. Think about it.
  7. Lists are a bad habit.

And for the sake of old times here is a list of things I like about lists.

  1. You can put blank lines in lists if you can't think of anything yet.
  2. Lists are economical and easy to read!
  3. Lists don't judge me.
  4. I can start writing a list without even thinking about what it's for. It encourages fluid thinking.
  5. Lists make it easier for me to communicate.

This is actually pretty depressing. Oh look it's the end of the post.

--03:41, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

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