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#include ("/home/rationa1/public_html/bar.php");

// Extension credits that show up on Special:Version
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
        'name' => 'Multiple choice voting',
        'author' => '[ Nx]',
        'url' => '',
        'description' => 'Requires the WIGO extension.',
        'version' => '3.5'

//Avoid unstubbing $wgParser on setHook() too early on modern (1.12+) MW versions, as per r35980
  $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'multiinit';
} else { // Otherwise do things the old fashioned way
  $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'multiinit';

function multiinit() {
  global $wgParser;
  return true;    

global $wgUseAjax;
if ($wgUseAjax)
  $wgAjaxExportList[] = "multivote";
  $wgAjaxExportList[] = "multigetmyvote";

function multivote($pollid, $vote, $countoptions)
  $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
  global $wgUser, $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs;
  $voter = $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs ? getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR") : $wgUser->getName();
  $result = $dbw->replace('wigovote',array('id','voter_name'),array('id' => $pollid, 'voter_name' => $voter, 'vote' => $vote, 'timestamp' => wfTimestampNow()),'multivote');
  //get the number of votes for each option
  /*$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);*/
  $res = $dbw->select('wigovote',array('vote' , 'count(vote)'),array('id' => $pollid),__METHOD__,array('GROUP BY' => 'id', 'GROUP BY' => 'vote'));
  //fill with zeroes
  for ($i=0; $i<$countoptions; ++$i) {
    $results[$i] = 0;
  //now store values for options that have received votes
  while ($row = $res->fetchRow())
    $results[$row['vote']] = $row['count(vote)'];
  return implode(":",$results);

function multigetmyvote($pollid) {
  $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
  global $wgUser, $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs;
  $voter = $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs ? getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR") : $wgUser->getName();
  $res = $dbr->select('wigovote',array('vote'),array('id' => $pollid, 'voter_name' => $voter),__METHOD__);
  $myvote = -1;
  if ($row = $res->fetchRow())
    $myvote = $row['vote'];
  if ($myvote === null) $myvote = -1;
  return "-{$myvote}";

$wgHooks['AjaxAddScript'][] = 'multiaddjs';

$wgMultiIP = dirname( __FILE__ );
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['multi'] = "$wgMultiIP/multi.i18n.php";

function multiaddjs($out) {
  global $wgJsMimeType, $wgScriptPath;
  $out->addScript("<script type=\"{$wgJsMimeType}\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/extensions/wigo3/js/multi.js\"></script>");
  return true;

function multirender($input, $args, $parser)
  $voteid = $args['poll'];
  if (!$voteid)
    static $err = null;
    if (is_null($err)) {
      $err = wfMsg('wigoerror');
    $output = $parser->recursiveTagParse($input);
    return "<p><span style='color:red;'>{$err}</span> {$output}</p>";

  #avoid hacking wigo votes
  $voteid = "multi" . $voteid;

  $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
  #get my vote - doesn't work with caching
/*  global $wgUser, $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs;
  $voter = $wgWigo3ConfigStoreIPs ? getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR") : $wgUser->getName();
  $res = $dbr->select('wigovote','vote',array('id' => $voteid, 'voter_name' => $voter),'multirender');
  $myvote = null;
  if ($row = $res->fetchRow())
    $myvote = intval($row['vote'],10);
  #get the total number of votes
  $res = $dbr->select('wigovote','count(vote)',array('id' => $voteid),'multirender',array('GROUP BY' => 'id'));
  $sum = 0;
  if ($row = $res->fetchRow())
    $sum = intval($row['count(vote)'],10);

  $lines = split("\n+",trim($input));
  foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
    # get the result for this option
    $res = $dbr->select('wigovote','count(vote)',array('id' => $voteid, "vote" => $i),'multirender',array('GROUP BY' => 'id', 'GROUP BY' => 'vote'));
    if ($row = $res->fetchRow())
      $results[$i] = $row['count(vote)'];
    } else {
      $results[$i] = "0";
    #format my vote - doesn't work with caching
    if ($myvote !== null && $myvote === $i) {
      $line = "<span id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}\" class=\"myvote\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">{$line}</span>";
      $resultstr[$i] = "<span id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}-result\" class=\"myvote\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" . $results[$i] . "</span>";
    } else {*/
      $line = "<span id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}\">{$line}</span>";
      $resultstr[$i] = "<span id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}-result\">" . $results[$i] . "</span>";
    $outputlines[] = $parser->recursiveTagParse($line);

  # script to get my vote and format it
  $boldscript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" .
                  "sajax_do_call('multigetmyvote',['{$voteid}'],function (req) {" .
                      "if (req.readyState == 4) if (req.status == 200)" .
                        "i = req.responseText;" .
                        "span = document.getElementById('{$voteid}' + i + \"-result\");" .
                        "titlespan = document.getElementById('{$voteid}' + i);" .
                        "if (span) {" .
                          "if (!span.className || span.className == \"\") {" .
                             "span.className = \"myvote\";" .
                          "} else {" .
                            "span.className += \" myvote\";" .
                          "}" .
                          " = \"bold\";" .
                          "if (!titlespan.className || titlespan.className == \"\") {" .
                            "titlespan.className = \"myvote\";" .
                          "} else {" .
                            "titlespan.className += \" myvote\"; ".
                          "}" .
                          " = \"bold\";" .
                        "}" .
                      "}" .
                  "});" .

  if (array_key_exists('closed',$args) && strcasecmp($args['closed'],"yes") === 0) {
    $output = "<table class=\"multivote\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">";
    foreach ($outputlines as $i => $line) {
      if ($sum == 0) {
        $percent = 0;
      } else {
        $percent = $results[$i]/$sum * 100;
      $output .=
      "<tr>" .
        "<td class=\"multioption\" style=\"width:20em;\">" . 
          $line .
        "</td>" .
        "<td class=\"multiresult\" style=\"width:2em;\">" .
          $resultstr[$i] .
        "</td>" .
        "<td style=\"margin:0; padding:0;\">" .
          "<div class=\"votecolumnback\" style=\"border: 1px solid black; background:#F0F0F0; width:220px; height:1em;\">" .
          "<div id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}-column\" class=\"votecolumnfront\" style=\"background:blue; width:{$percent}%; height:100%;\"></div>" .
          "</div>" .          
        "</td>" .
    $output .= "</table>";
    return $output . $boldscript;
  } else {
    $output = "<table class=\"multivote\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">";
    foreach ($outputlines as $i => $line) {
      if ($sum == 0) {
        $percent = 0;
      } else {
        $percent = $results[$i]/$sum * 100;
      $output .=
      "<tr>" .
        "<td class=\"multioption\" style=\"width:14em;\">" . 
          $line .
        "</td>" .
        "<td class=\"multiresult\" style=\"width:2em;\">" .
          $resultstr[$i] .
        "</td>" .
        "<td class=\"multibutton\" style=\"padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em;\">" . 
          "<a " . "href=\"javascript:multivotesend('{$voteid}',$i," . count($outputlines) . ")\" title=\"" . wfMsg("multi-votetitle") . "\">" . wfMsg("multi-votebutton") . "</a>" .
        "</td>" .
        "<td style=\"margin:0; padding:0;\">" .
          "<div class=\"votecolumnback\" style=\"border: 1px solid black; background:#F0F0F0; width:220px; height:1em;\">" .
          "<div id=\"{$voteid}-{$i}-column\" class=\"votecolumnfront\" style=\"background:blue; width:{$percent}%; height:100%;\"></div>" .
          "</div>" .          
        "</td>" .
    $output .= "</table>";
    return $output . $boldscript;