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Locks and Blocks[edit]

I'm not setting you up here, giving you a warning at the mo, just offering you some advice. Part of our Guidelines, there is a section entitled "Civility" here: [[1]]

  • You must be civil. No bullying.
  • Your user page/discussion pages, are indeed your castle, from which you can agree, disagree and discuss issues as you will. However you cannot use them to bully, ridicule (make fun of) or attack (denigrate) Conservapedia or other users, and their opinions. There is a difference between intellectual discourse, and attacking someone for what they believe. Wikipedia condones bullying and mob rule, we don’t.

In reading your user page, it seems you are pretty close to using our facility here to attack CP, not make constructive criticism. I hope I have misread your intent. Feel free to contact me on IRC or AIM if you have more questions. --Sysop-TK /MyTalk 05:08, 27 May 2007 (EDT) [2]

Sorry to keep you waiting TK. I don't know what IRC or AIM are. If you feel I have made mistakes on my page please don't hesitate to let me know on my talk page. It would be helpful to point out individual examples of what is wrong (sentence, link, URL etc.) so that I can locate them easily and rectify quickly. ::WhatIsG0ing0n 08:16, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [4]
If you feel anything transgresses the guidelines let me know what and where and I will happily rectify. Is this instant messenger like a chat room or something? WhatIsG0ing0n 08:31, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [6]
  • Perhaps you would have more success asking Philip, as he seems to bring out the better in you. When I sign back in, I have every confidence that you will have been able to comprehend our guideline on Civility, and will have removed every last ad hominem attack on other CP users there. (WP custom and rules do not apply here at CP, as I have instructed you before.) If not, I shall edit and lock the page. Against vandals. The next step will be your retirement party. --Sysop-TK /MyTalk 08:55, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [7] [8]

Ad hominem Attack Page[edit]

I see you've vastly improved the Ad hominem template I created. I'm glad you felt it was worth expanding on. On second thoughts I decided it was too big and made my talk page look ugly. At least the work wasn't completely in vain. I can't thank you enough for seeing to it that my work wasn't in vain. WhatIsG0ing0n 12:03, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [9]
  • Yes, thank you for the compliment! I do see you believe your work wasn't in vain, WIGO. I have kept my word, as promised as well. Shall be begin planning your "Retirement"? Or perhaps you would like to begin discussion? --Sysop-TK /MyTalk 12:10, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [10]

Thanks to TK for the nice big shiny 'Ad hominem Attack Page thingmy based on an idea by me. Thanks for protecting my page against liberal vandals.WhatIsG0ing0n 12:11, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [11]

PS Perhaps Reginod could have one too? WhatIsG0ing0n 12:13, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [12]
I feel I have vastly improved my talk page with regards to complying with the demands you made of it. I am more than willing to initiate further improvements and will be more than happy to discuss your suggestions. Let me know what you want improved and where it is on the page and I will happily rectify. I must go now, People wanting fed. I'll get back on your suggestions during the week. God bless. WhatIsG0ing0n 12:20, 28 May 2007 (EDT) [14]
  • Just to be fair...time is fast running out. All I can still see is you giving reasons why people shouldn't be here, and why you dislike it so much. Tantamount to someone inviting you dinner, and then you complaining all evening. So, since you dislike our rules, dislike our Conservative and Christian-friendly POV, dislike the Sysops, and the Owner, it does beg the question of what possible reason you are here for, other than to just criticize. Since we are not WP, we do not have to welcome people just to complain and undermine. --Sysop-TK /MyTalk 08:04, 29 May 2007 (EDT) [15]
I can't see why my descriptions of what liberals think or say is any less suitable than those at Essay:Liberal Behavior on Conservapedia. Where you get the idea that I dislike anything is a mystery to me. As I have previously requested, could you give me the exact examples of what it is you object to and what is wrong with them. Your broad generalizations are meaningless to me. I suggest you cut and paste each sentense you find unsuitable and then add a description of what is wrong with that particular sentense and why. I am seriously trying to get my page to conform to your standards but I need your help. WhatIsG0ing0n 09:03, 29 May 2007 (EDT) [16]
  • Goodbye. If you are here to edit and contribute, fine. If you are here to document and parody, all I can say is Godspeed! --Sysop-TK /MyTalk 09:04, 29 May 2007 (EDT) [17]