User talk:Darth Tiktaalik/notes on racism and evolution

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rejected quotations/sources and why I don't use them[edit]

Hitler's Table talks has Hitler allegedly giving a "changes within kinds" argument, I do not use this because in addition to the known reliability issues with the English translation of the talks I prefer to have some baseline of publicly endorsed rejection of evolution in my quotations.

From where do we get the right to believe, that from the very beginning Man was not what he is today? Looking at Nature tells us, that in the realm of plants and animals changes and developments happen. But nowhere inside a kind shows such a development as the breadth of the jump, as Man must supposedly have made, if he has developed from an ape-like state to what he is today.

Although creationist-like quotations do appear in more direct public sources these are in the context of a warning against race mixing and it's not at all clear to me that this should be taken as some anti-evolution stance.

Also, emphasis involving direct opposition to evolution and pre-Darwin racist thought will be preferred in any section over examples where the racist organization requires a belief in a specific religion or justifies racism via religion since this risks the topic being derailed by theists trying to defend their religion as a whole

Some other things you could mention[edit]

This is in your userspace, so I won't edit the page directly, but here are some things that might be worth mentioning. Racism, e.g. slavery in the US, predated Darwin. This refutes the claim that racism is rooted in acceptance of Darwinian evolution. Rather, those who invoked Darwin as evidence for white supremacy were only using the theory to justify what they believed anyway. There's also the fact that colonialism was often defended as "spreading Christianity to the savages." (Slavery was justified in this way as well, although it's complicated. See: p. 29, but also ) Vomitorium (talk) 16:56, 27 March 2022 (UTC)