John Eidsmoe

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John Eidsmoe is a Pike Road, Alabama attorney with some impressively conservative opinions, which may include a nuanced position about slavery.[1] Nuance could mean apologetics.

Eidsmoe may be of momentary importance in American politics because of his connection to Republican presidential contender Michelle Bachmann. She studied with Eidsmoe while attending Coburn Law School at Oral Roberts University. Bachmann describes him as, "one of the professors who had a great influence on me." She was his research assistant on the 1987 book Christianity and the Constitution, which argues that the United States was founded as a Christian theocracy. That claim contradicts the historical record but what is absolutely certain is that it was founded as a regime that tolerated African slavery.


According to his home page, Eidsmoe holds a J.D. from the University of Iowa, and a doctorate in "ministry from the Oral Roberts University." [2] He also collected a Masters of Divinity degree from Lutheran Brethern Seminary, a Master of Arts degree in biblical studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and a B.A. in political science from St. Olaf College.

See also
