Category talk:Mathematics

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I'll try to add something about derivatives and integrals and stuff...

Not today though. MiddleMan 13:24, 3 June 2007 (CDT)

If I thought this site needed it, I could port over the crap I wrote at CP on conic sections... even my cute homemade image! But since "math" is not working yet, some of it would look really ugly. No harm in adding stuff, of course. What would be better would be some kick-ass probability and statistics stuff, since it gets so abused by anti-scientists. humanbe in 13:57, 3 June 2007 (CDT)

I know the basics of statistics and I know how to calculate errors in statistics and I could explain what things like median and standard error mean, maybe PalMD and Sterile can help with medical terminology for things like the abortion/breastcancer and hpv research.

If you're talking about "irreducible complexity", I can't refute that mathematically: their math checks out, but they started with the wrong assumptions.

Although... maybe I can show that true irreducibility doesn't exist because the probability curve is exponential-ish and thus never becomes zero. MiddleMan 14:13, 3 June 2007 (CDT)

See, there are two or three (or 4) examples of math articles that would then be needed - probability (curve), exponential, asymptote, limit as n approaches infinity or zero, infinity, zero.... we'll need that stuff more than random math articles. Of course, it will also work better when "math" is installed. humanbe in 20:04, 3 June 2007 (CDT)