Essay:Kayla Broadus

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Smiley - Driveby.gifSome drive-by editor spammed us with this, and though we decided not to delete it, we don't really care much for it. The talk page is probably a lot more interesting than the actual essay.

Kayla Broadus is a citizen of Sarasota Springs, New York, who single-handedly very nearly brought down completely and permanently the constitutionally established wall of separation between church and state (which our atheist and deist plurality of Founding Fathers in all their wisdom explicitly wrote into the First Amendment) while attending kindergarten in 2002 when she asked her classroom friends to join her in mindlessly chanting the fundie "God is great, God is good" magic spell over their snack of milk and cookies. Kayla's teacher immediately recognized this serious threat to the constitutionally established wall of separation between church and state and, like the great action film heroes of yore, sprinted across the room and dove head-first into the fray to stop Kayla and her friends before the United States was irrevocably destroyed. She was successful in stopping this gross threat to the constitutionally established wall of separation between church and state and immediately made sure to properly reduce little Kayla to tears with a harsh scolding about how very, very naughty it was to threaten the constitutionally established separation of church and state by reciting a magic spell to a non-existent Jewish war god zombie who was his own father and died to save us from himself.