Essay:Lol ATHEISTS are basically FLAT earthers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We are all atheists about most of the earth shapes that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one shape further.
—Probably not Richard Dawkins

Is a movement that aims to highlight the FACT that 100% of all evil-doers were believers that there is a planet earth (Earthists), and that if Non-Earthism (no belief in earth) was promoted, there would be no nationalism, no war for territory, much less evil etc. It also shows that over the centuries there have been many ideas as to what the shape of the earth is, therefore the only logical conclusion is Non-Earthism. Don't you find it funny that your beliefs about the earth (spherical earth and heliocentrism), just happen to be the only correct ones?

List of Earth Models Round/Heliocentric Earth Proponents don't Believe In[edit]

1)Flat, disk shaped earth

2)Flat, square shaped earth

3)Flat earth, inside a glass ceiling.

4)Flat earth, geocentric model

5)Expanding earth

6)Hollow earth

7)Geocentric, Ptolemaic model

8)Earth as the center of the Universe

9)Earth resting on Elephant shoulders

10)Other primitive beliefs....

List of Earth Models Non-Earthists don't Believe In[edit]

1)Flat, disk shaped earth

2)Flat, square shaped earth

3)Flat earth, inside a glass ceiling.

4)Flat earth, geocentric model

5)Expanding earth

6)Hollow earth

7)Geocentric, Ptolemaic model

8)Earth as the center of the Universe

9)Earth resting on Elephant shoulders

10)Other primitive beliefs....

11)Heliocentric, Spherical earth model.

Earthism and Evil[edit]

100% of all evil has been done by earthists. People like Galileo and Giordano Bruno have suffered as a direct consequence of their particular earth shape beliefs. The act of indoctrinating children with earthism should constitute child abuse. Some of the deadliest wars have been fought as a result of earthism and nationalism.