Essay:My Weiner

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by Markedc (talk) 17:45, 9 June 2011 (UTC).
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I am extremely disappointed by Anthony Weiner's actions in the past two weeks. I have come to respect this man greatly, he has shown passion and courage, humor, and is righteous prick. All those add up to me to be the makings bad-ass politician, one that I could actually stand behind. Then this weiner-gate bullshit broke. The Weiner I have come to know and respect would have said straight up that he fucked up and that is none of your god damn business, leave it at that. Instead he lied, tried to cover, and then broke down looking like a weak spineless insect, aka the status quo of the Democratic party. This was, and could still possibly be, a defining moment in his political career and certainly does not have to be the end of it. Why do I consider this scandal recoverable? I would never want a Republican to stand down in the light of such a scandal, but it happens that when Republicans have a sex scandal, it usually flies in the face of their morals. That is their own statute of morality, not mine, but when you are so anti-gay and you go and have gay sex that is hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a cardinal sin to me, and so far aside from lying I do not see how Weiner could be called a hypocrite. Do I give a shit about what these people do in their private life? No. Hell if anything I like to see a little debauchery coming from my representatives, if for no other reason than to point out that they are fucking human. I would take a Churchill over a Lieberman any day of the week. Why does congress hold such a high level of standard? Do we really believe the American public lives up to that same standard? Call me when he writes a bill that condemns taking pictures of your dick and sending it over the inter tubes, or when he whips it on the floor of congress and dick slaps Boehner. Until then America, get off the fucking Ritalin and focus on the task at hand (economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, N.Korea, Net Neutrality, Personal Freedom). So much work left to be done, don't quit now Weiner :(.