Essay:Needed Constitutional AmendmentsF*ck this! Completely New Constitution! (

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We The People.jpg of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves
and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
—The Preamble to the United States ConstitutionWikipedia and one of the few parts I won't be shitting all over altering

New Form of Government[edit]

The current system, which combines elements of particracy, plutocracy and elective monarchy, and is known nominally as a representative democracy, is to be abolished and replaced by a system of effective democracy where a number of substantial positive and negative powers shall be vested in the people directly. Government officials shall not be selected on the basis of popularity, however, but on the basis of expertise and competence. The people reserve the right to remove any official from their position through petition. The interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups shall be explicitly and prominently represented in the legislature to ensure no discriminatory laws are passed, under the principle of a government of the people, for all people(s), answerable to all people(s).

The legislature will consist of:

  • A Legislative Council, made up out of legal experts, who will be charged with writing the terminology of new bills of law in a neutral and professional manner. The contents of these laws is to be based on law proposals originating from government institutions as well as from the population, the latter such proposals to be approved for consideration through popular support in an official referendum.
  • 5 Anti-Discriminatory Councils, each charged with striking down bills entailing, respectively, discrimination based on race, colour, ethnic identity or national origin, discrimination based on sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, discrimination based on age, health condition or disability, discrimination based on political, religious or philosophical convictions or affiliation, discrimination based on social status, class, public fame or other socio-economic,-cultural qualities.
  • A Constitutional Council, charged with striking down bills proposing unconstitutional legislation.
  • A National Interest Council, charged with ensuring proposed legislation is in line with the goals and ambitions of the national government and the nation it represents. A veto presented by the National Interest Council may be overridden by the Constitutional Council and at least 4 of the 5 Anti-Discriminatory Councils voting in favour of passing the bill in question or invalidated through a popular referendum indicating disagreement with the National Interest Council's action.

All members of the legislature may be recalled from their position if either 942,003 individuals or 20.1% of the nation's citizens petition in favour of their removal.

The executive power shall not be vested in any singular person, be they elected or unelected. No single 'leader', party, or other organization will be allowed to manage above others the business of the government save for the government itself as well as the people of the nation, through petitions and official pollings of approval or disapproval towards the government. The administration will be manned by officials deemed qualified for the functions they will be performing. None of these persons ought to be considered—let alone be idolized, glorified or worshiped—as 'leaders' or symbols of the nation, no matter their hierarchical status in their respective departments; they are but mere public servants.

Bill of Rights[edit]

  1. [insert something about unilateral freedom of thought/opinion/belief + restrictions on freedom of speech here]
  2. A well-regulated economy being necessary to the security of a free state and its people, the right of the government to promote the general welfare and the right of the people to enjoy above-minimal standards of living shall not be curtailed, save for restrictions entailed by other provisions of this constitution.
  3. The right to life shall not be infringed upon. Under no circumstance shall the government authorize judicial or extrajudicial killings in times of peace. In times of war, the government will act to limit the loss of life to the extent possible, with particular attention to the protection and safeguarding of non-militant persons regardless of nationality or allegiance.
  4. The state shall ensure the ready availability of medical supplies and services to those that require them, within a responsible, well-regulated framework. Included under "medical supplies and services" are also contraceptives and abortion. In regards to the latter; the life of a prenatal should on no account be favoured above that of the mother, except under the latter's express direction. Further details regarding the legality of abortion are to be stipulated under extraconstitutional law.
  5. The purchase, ownership and use of functioning fire-arms will require a permit, obtained following a positive evaluation of one's competence at wielding fire-arms and a positive psychological evaluation, to be renewed every 5 years. The purchase and ownership of disabled or non-functional replica fire-arms will require an official document specifying that the fire-arm in question is non-functional. Reconstruction of the latter type of item into a functioning fire-arm shall be strictly forbidden. The requirement for a permit for the use of fire-arms may be foregone in the case of a life-threatening situation for the defense of self or others and within the boundaries of firing ranges and other such facilities provided these are in possession of the correct licenses.
  6. The right to purchase, possess and wear bear-arms, on the other hand, shall under no circumstance be abrogated. This provision should not be misconstrued as supporting the inhumane treatment or illegal killing of bears, however. Verily, the natural originators of bear-arms ought to be treated respectably.

Other stuff[edit]

No provisions of this constitution shall be altered, removed or invalidated through amendment save for by a 98.2% majority attained in a popular referendum and after approval from the councils of the legislature. Amendments that only seek to add provisions, and which are not in conflict with the constitution as constituted, shall only require a 82.3% majority.