Essay:Omegle and the Issues

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by HeidelbergKid.
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The following is a series of transcripts I collect from Omegle (, which is a chatroom where you simply go on the site and you are automatically entered into a chatroom with a stranger. Although it's often plagued by Feminus hornicus (i.e., girls over 18 wanting to advertise their genitalia), I can still find a decent number of people with two neurons to rub together. So, I ask them questions, elaborate, try to convince them of rationality, etc.. I arrange conversations in here by chronological order, as the topic can be inferred from my initial question. Some parts are edited out, mainly because the conversation just branches off elsewhere or because of initial confusions or such. This is just to find out the average Internet citizen's opinion on things, and to kill time. And oregano.


You: What do you feel about abortion? Stranger: It's a womans choice. You: Until how many weeks from conception? Stranger: Not sure...until the baby has the developed the nerves it needs to feel.

Comments: Rational POV. It's a choice until the baby develops the mental capacity to feel pain. Probably should've asked a follow-up question on scenarios such as rape, danger of loss of life, etc., but this is my first time.