Essay:The Wall

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by S.T. Shrink.
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Conservapedia has created a conservative parable about the Berlin Wall. So...heres my take on a certain wall.

Many years ago, a dignitary of great intelligence was asked to write a document. Where this dignitary was from, there was no wall that allowed for peaceful and rational governing, separating millions from each other and costing countless lives in the name of tradition. In his works, he advised to create a wall, yet when he went from person to person and place to place, each of these people rewrote his document, taking things out and putting things in, drifting over the advise. The others however, were amazed when this document was read with the advise included. So, they made a fundamental right for this wall to exist, only to have it thrown out time and time again, against the wishes of many, all in the name of so called "tradition". Perhaps one day, this wall will finally be built tall and mighty, and the great Thomas Jefferson's document will actually mean something.

--*Gen. S.T. Shrink* Get to the bunker 00:16, 30 June 2008 (EDT)