Essay talk:Why I hunt

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Just some thoughts on the essay...

"This population explosion can be attributed to improper hunting tactics in the past, including an excessive attack on wolves. The lack of predation has allowed the deer population to explode, possibly past the environmental carrying capacity."
A better way to control an explosion in the deer population would be to better protect the wolf population. This way the wolf population will climb back up to a normal level and can take over the job of the hunter in controlling the deer population. This way the deer are killed in a natural way (because wolves naturally need to hunt deer for food and for no other reason).
Even if "most of the hunters [you] have met are responsible men and women who go out with the intention to get something for some reason, and take no more then is needed", I don't see any good reason to hunt if the deer population can be controlled in a better way (the wolves). If you're not hunting for survival and the deer population can be controlled with better protection of wolves, why hunt? Is the death of an innocent animal justifiable when you're not trying to survive? I guess you can say you hunt for food even if it's not necessary for survival but that commodity is already taken care of.
"Above all, I hunt because it is fun."
Personally, I find it scary that people find killing innocent animals fun.
SoCal 212 I can't find my talk page 03:16, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

Personally, I find it really scary that people are so sheltered as to think of "innocent animals" as a concept. Have you ever actually been around wild animals? In an uncontrolled environment? Do you have any concept of nature outside of your TV or a book? And furthermore, the wolf population was removed for two reasons: it posed threats to domestic animals AND to humans. It wasn't done in a vacuum. You don't know this, because you have never seriously studied it. And if we must discuss animal welfare: an animal that lived a wild life and died quickly lived a lot better than an animal raised in a cage. MarcusMiller360 (talk) 05:38, 3 November 2015 (UTC)

<quote>And if we must discuss animal welfare: an animal that lived a wild life and died quickly lived a lot better than an animal raised in a cage.</quote>

Not all exotic pets are raised in cages lol --UglyRat (talk) 13:41, 13 June 2018 (UTC)