File talk:Weasel.jpg

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Funny coloured weasel. Looks more like a pine marten. Totnesmartin 16:44, 5 August 2008 (EDT)

A tough one. weasel - pine martin. I'd go for weasel.--Bobbing up 16:53, 5 August 2008 (EDT)
(corrected a typo, hope you don't mind) Ooh, a yellow weasel, I didn't know there was such a thing - maybe a local subspecies? Or it's been at the wp:turmeric? :)
Additional:ye olde wikipedia has a "long-tailed weasel" living in the americas, which looks like the picture. Curse my parochial ignorance. Totnesmartin 05:49, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
In the UK weasel refers to a specific animal (the Least Weasel) but there are many other types of weasel, polecat, ferret and mink which all belong to the weasel family. Jollyfish.gifGenghisOur ignorance is God; what we know is science. 05:57, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
That would be the Mustela family specifically. The larger Mustelidae group also includes otters, badgers & martens, plus some scary-ass things like tayra & wolverines. Weaseloid 06:14, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
You mean the Mustela genus and the Mustelidae family? (he said pedantically) Or are we on to Baramins now? :) Totnesmartin 06:20, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
Mea culpa, I was speaking in layman's terms rather than taxonomic. I'm afraid that biology was not my forte, I'm more of a physics/maths/chemistry type of guy. Jollyfish.gifGenghisOur ignorance is God; what we know is science. 06:34, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
And I'm the taxonomy geek, although I try to keep it quiet! Totnesmartin 07:12, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
When are you going to finish your bird project at CP? Shags, tits and boobies all need expanding. Jollyfish.gifGenghisOur ignorance is God; what we know is science. 07:23, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
Just as soon as they unblock me, and just as soon as I can stand looking at that site for more than five minutes. Oh and let's not forget cock, whitearse and windfucker :D Totnesmartin 08:38, 6 August 2008 (EDT)