Fun:Artificial stupidity

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Artificial stupidity (AS) refers to the construction of a device (or program) with independent reasoning power — a brain. The test for stupidity is widely accepted to be: (roughly) If a conversation with the device cannot be differentiated from a similar conversation with a human being then the device can be called stupid.

AS research has produced a number of excellent tools and products, including voice unrecognition, badly drawn hands, gaming bots, the Three Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov, one more cry movie by Steven Spielberg and the ability of Microsoft Windows to crash on the most lethal moments. However, despite immense amounts of money and research, and despite all these ancillary products, true artificial stupidity — a sentient computer, capable of initiative and seamless human interaction — has yet to come to fruition, and is no longer taken terribly seriously by the skeptical community.

John Searle proposed his "Chinese Room" thought experiment to demonstrate that a computer program merely shuffles symbols around according to simple rules of syntax, but no semantic grasp of what the symbols really mean is obtained by the program. As most human beings tend to act the same way, he hereby gives a promising view on the future of AS.

Artificial poetry[edit]

It [the computer] does this as the good work of a web of art for the country, a mouse of science, an easy draw of a sad few, and finally, the global house of art, just in one job in the total rest. The development of such an entire real than land of time is the depth of the computer as a complex character. The education of these designed “important to them” computer talents is a great, average, or one-room spot for the word of a single part. The elite of its machine or talk is the book of life, and the shared essence of the self of a family is the white coat of the dove. Stand the computer as the most important culture of success, and it is just an understatement.
ChatGPT, answering the question "What is a computer?"[1]
This excerpt from the response to "What is a computer?" is intriguing for its poetic and abstract representation of computers and their significance. It seems to personify computers, attributing to them roles and significances that extend far beyond their physical functionalities. By describing the computer as "the good work of a web of art for the country, a mouse of science, an easy draw of a sad few," the text alludes to the multifaceted impact of computers on society, art, science, and individual experiences. The computer is portrayed not merely as a tool but as a pivotal element in various domains, from national development to personal enlightenment.

The passage also touches on the transformative power of computers, suggesting that their development represents a landmark in history as significant as the discovery of new lands, through phrases like "an entire real than land of time." This could imply the vast, almost uncharted potential of digital technology to redefine our understanding of reality and time.

[...] Overall, this excerpt uses rich, metaphorical language to convey the deep and varied impact of computers on society, art, science, individual identity, and global connectivity, portraying them as essential elements in the tapestry of contemporary human experience.
ChatGPT, analyzing its own answer[1] after being fixed[2]

See also[edit]

Icon fun.svg For those of you in the mood, RationalWiki has a fun article about Artificial intelligence.


  1. 1.0 1.1 VERY strange, rambling responses, AnonymousRandomMan, /r/ChatGPT, 2024-02-21
  2. ChatGPT goes temporarily “insane” with unexpected outputs, spooking users, Benj Edwards, Ars Technica, 2024-02-21