Fun:Derp web adventure/Secrets

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I have a YouTube Channel that shows stuff the deep web
And I ended up getting a huge amount of fans. Well I ran out of shit to talk
about and show off on the deep web so I started making shit up. Telling 
people about things that were not true or just saying that I saw things I 
never seen only heard about. I don't even know if half the bullshit I've 
said is even true. I had some interviews and told the guys that yeah I've 
seen red rooms, whish is bullshit. so I get to the point where I started 
writing stories and reading them to people because I didn't know what else 
to do. And of course there were a few pople that know I was full of shit, 
but I have so many fans now tht it doesn't matter. My fans even defend me 
and attack the people that know Im making this shit up. It kind of awesome 
knowing no matter what I do there are peopel out there that will stand up 
for me no matter what but i kind of feel guilty for making up bullshit and 
them defending me for it. 
What do you guys think? I mean should I come clean and let my fans know that
i'm making this shit up or just roll with it?

[1]Created on: 2015-08-17 | 1,658 Views


LOL. You are not Takedownman.
Roll with it. It will become your cash cow. You know you're full of shit, but so are 99% of media people, so, milk it.
It is true that a lot of people have made up stuff about TOR including the retarded "deep web" moniker but I doubt you are one of those responsible.