Fun:Red links

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Red links are a phenomenon anathema to many RW editors.

Some have a nearly apoplectic reaction to the appearance of these bugbears on the site.

One possible solution to this problem would be to change the color of red links to something more pleasing, like puce.

Some have argued mauve might also be appropriate, but there have been disagreements between Canadian and American editors over its pronunciation.


Red links appear whenever an internal link is created to an article that does not yet exist. The more times that the internal link is cited, the higher it will appear on the red link list. For example, many red links near the top of the list have 2 or 3 citations. To appear higher, they would have to be cited many times. The more times it is cited, the higher it will appear on the list, so it is not always wise cite the same internal link over and over again. The more cites, the higher it will appear on the list. Of course, the software is fairly smart so the cite needs to be on other pages.

On Conservapedia, red links in a navigation box which is featured on many pages can give Andy Schlafly an apoplexy.

External red lynx[edit]