Fun talk:Boulder, Colorado

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Too Liberal compared to where? Colorado Springs? (I live in Boulder, and I'm not afraid the TK will use this information to send his Sekrit Republican Ninja Lawyer Death Squads to ruin my life. :) Anyone else?) --Gulik 14:59, 18 July 2007 (CDT)

Compared to Salt Lake City, probably. The article was created by a supporter of the Constitution party. humanbe in 19:43, 18 July 2007 (CDT)
Dear god, how does boulder rank an article? because it's full of a bunch of hippies who grew up, then grew rich, then grew old, then grew "soft republican"? --Green mowse.pngGodotWhen I graduated, Cognative Science of Religion didn't even exist! now it's everywhere 03:07, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Delete this. ТyrannisPlead 03:09, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
What have you got against single-lined, orphaned, funspace tub articles? Peter with added ‼Science‼ 03:11, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Gone. AceModerator 03:12, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

pouts and throws a tantrum, stomping feet, whining. BUT I JUST HELPED THE WIKI BY EXPANDING IT. sobs and runs away. "Boulder, Colorado is markedly more liberal than most of the surrounding state of Ohio. This is at least partially due to being a college town: home to a University.

Boulder is famous through out the US for a murder of a 6 year old beauty pagent. No one in boulder gives or gave a shit, however. It's also famous for a law that says you cannot have a couch on your front porch, cause... well... we don't know why, but "cause".

Boulder's demographics are largly ex hippi types from the 70s, who managed to get a respectable salary in the 80s, and then decided they didn't like all these icky brown people around them in the 90s (making laws about how many people could live in one home, and what the mean income had to be for the people in any non-student housing), who ultimately try to convince the world they are liberal by having anti-bush rallies, but continually making anti-brown (anti-poor) person legislation.

They did elect Jared Pollis, the first openly homosexual to be elected to Congress." --Green mowse.pngGodotWhen I graduated, Cognative Science of Religion didn't even exist! now it's everywhere 03:14, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

How do you murder a beauty pagent? Peter with added ‼Science‼ 03:17, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Not sure, really. ;_)

What a brain trust. You make me proud to be barely acquainted with you. Got anything else to contribute? ħumanUser talk:Human 03:47, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

My i happily say, "fuck yourself" human? I've contributed substantially (in number, but more importantly in substance) and if i feel like being silly and diminutive and superficial, it's not harming anyone including your overly sensitive self.Green mowse.pngGodotWhen I graduated, Cognative Science of Religion didn't even exist! now it's everywhere 04:16, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
You are being incoherent. Seriously, what are you saying? And about what? PS, your sig has a typo. It's "cognitive". ħumanUser talk:Human 04:41, 2 June 2012 (UTC)