RationalWiki:Nothing is going on at Citizendium/2014

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December 2014[edit]


As of the start of December, Citizendium has less than $1,000 on hand for funds.img This despite Darren Duncan putting in $3,838.80 of his own money over the last year and a bit, during the changeover.

10Larry Sanger has taken to grading Infobitt participants on their performance. Supten and Sorin get a C- for not putting the CIA torture report in the #1 spot, but overall everyone gets a B-. Yay! Larry wants to know if this is helpful.

November 2014[edit]


Finally, the migration to cheaper hosting is on.


Infobitt now lets anyone set up an account. It's basically a headline and bullet point sentences about the event, the "bits" of the title. If you love Powerpoint slides, and would rather get everything as disjointed, unorganized facts on them, you'll love Infobitt.


Something interesting in Sanger's blog post about Infobitt: Lots of praise for Wikipedia, not even a mention of Citizendium, unless you view the long version of the essay.


Without Darren propping it up, Citizendium's finances look dire: In October, they took $79 out of $431.85 expenses, with only $1,194.04 left in the bank afterwards.


Larry launches Infobitt! again, sort of. Apparently Infobitt is now a "movement" and not just a business.


Serious effort has finally begun on the server migration, with the replacement of ancient mailing lists being, apparently, the biggest remaining obstacle. One ponders how those thousands of dollars spent paying for old servers (by someone looking for a job) could otherwise have been spent.


It looks as if Christine Bush has gathered up her toys and gone home.

October 2014[edit]


After days of tension in the forums, a commentimg which questioned Citizendium policy has apparently hit a raw nerve

September 2014[edit]


Forums to be shut down and replaced with an on-wiki forum.


If Anthony Sebastian were a bull, then Christine Bush's latest policy proposalimg would be a red cape. Stay tuned...

August 2014[edit]


Since they seem to like having elections anyway, perhaps CZ should hold a recall election for Christine Bush?img


Larry unleashes the InfoBitt Facebook group!


The honeymoon is overimg


August 23rd will be the one-year anniversary of the approval of the plan to move to one server. Said plan is now entering its 12th month of being implemented. At least in July they avoided paying a $12 monthly bank surcharge for the first time since last October. (Darren Duncan has so far paid $3,199 in "special extra donation[s] to cover the cost of the old servers".)

July 2014[edit]


To be fair to Christine Bush, though, the point she made before resigningimg - that she was asked to evaluate editors, and over a week later still didn't have permissions necessary to do that job - is both typical of Citizendium screwups and a good reason to give up on Citizendium.


After all of the noise that Christine Bush has made about wanting to "get her feet wet" it seems as though once they got a little damp, she's decided she prefers them to be dry.img


A new low record (since March of last year, at least) set on Citizendium. Only two edits in a 24 hr period (19th July 2014)img, none of them new articles.


Two months after Chunbum resigned from putting featured articles on the main page, Anthony Sebastian realizes it might actually be a good idea to do something about that.img

June 2014[edit]


It looks as if Meg Ireland has in effect told CZ "Screw you guys...I'm goin' home" after she failed to win election to a Council seat. And a tight contest at that, with a whopping 8 votes cast!


Upvote for Christine Bush, downvote for Meg Ireland, neutralvote for goat.


They only have about twenty active users, but are holding another bloody election!img Complete with a referendum to <capture>remove the expert approval process,img as it isn't working. As the <capture>forum discussionimg points out, this leaves Citizendium with... real names as its selling point. Oh, and a really awful approval process.

May 2014[edit]


Anyone remember Infobitt? Of course not, noone does. But people invested in this. The programmer, if the job listing is still accurate, was only paid in shares and equity. And the only visible changes the site's had in a year is pushing back the launch dates.


Decision to invite experts to submit author-owned citable-articles in special namespaces. Is that how encyclopædias work, then? Might improve things if anyone responds (apart from Mr Ullman that is!) "This draft decision will be finalized on May 15, 2004."


For quite a while, the only active feature of Citizendium has been the weekly featured article. No more: Chunbum has stepped down as featured article editor and the featured article has been removed from the welcome page.

April 2014[edit]


Back in September, Citizendium started to move to cheaper hosting. This means there'd be a brief period where they'd be paying two hosting bills at once... or, if you're completely incompetent (as they are), over six months and counting.

February-March 2014[edit]



January 2014[edit]


Much of the very little activity on Citizendium is focused around the new Paranormal Subgroup. One of the contributors is Craig Weiler, saying "If I am convinced that we will not be running into a wall of irrational skepticism I will start notifying people of this alternative to the clusterf*ck that is Wikipedia and with more contributors, the subjects are likely to get more even handed treatment."[1] Given Citizendium's history, skepticism seems unlikely.