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This could use a proper article. Not on what diagnosis is, but who is allowed to diagnose, and why. After doing some brief research, I don't think I am able to write such an article. Maybe if I browse Quackwatch some more, idk.--"Shut up, Brx." 03:11, 7 February 2014 (UTC)

isn't this specifically on medical diagnosis ? diagnosis in general is simply the act of determining a probable fault from analysing symptoms within a framework of how something works, like plumbing, cars, computers etc. As far as I know there is no restriction on who can diagnose a medical condition, only about who can authorise treatments. Hamster (talk) 04:49, 7 February 2014 (UTC)
In healthcare, no. Psychologists can't diagnose, nurses can't diagnose (except for nurses' diagnosis, which is something different), CNAs can't, massage therapists can't. My teachers have always been clear on that, as have people I have spoken to. But I'm unsure if it's a question of liability or certification (i.e, if these people don't diagnose because they're afraid they'll get sued if they do, or if they can't because they lack the qualifications under the law)--"Shut up, Brx." 05:34, 7 February 2014 (UTC)
It's definitely down to who is legally qualified to diagnose under law. Once somebody is officially diagnosed with a condition, there may be all sorts of repercussions ranging from medication to insurance entitlement to benefits, so it can't be just anyone making this assessment. WëäŝëïöïďWeaselly.jpgMethinks it is a Weasel 08:18, 7 February 2014 (UTC)