Talk:Eric Weinstein

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Jeffrey Epstein[edit]

I think it deserves to be mentioned in the article that super-genius intellectual Eric Weinstein said he visited Jeffrey Epstein's house. I don't want to continue to have an edit war about it, please discuss how we can add this to the article. Ruri Tsugumi (talk)

Antivaxx segment[edit]

Whoever wrote this section left me very puzzled as to what they were going for with "Though defenders would say they're "just asking questions," and insist Ivermectin, a horse paste used to treat parasites and not viruses, could be a miracle cure for COVID" but I left it there just in case they came back. If this is you reading this, go back to it and read it a few times and then tell me who the defenders are and why they're agents in this sentence. Kntai (talk) 09:34, 14 August 2021 (UTC)