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Estonia is a Baltic country, not a Nordic country.[edit]

Estonia is as Baltic as it gets. In fact, Estonia and Latvia are the only Baltic countries, Lithuania should not be a Baltic country. Because the name "Baltic" comes from the Baltic provinces, which did not include Lithuania. Lithuania belonged together with Poland.

There is some small group on the internet that is actively trying to promote Estonia as a Nordic country, which is "unfairly" excluded from the real Nordic countries. Where does this small group claim the right to speak for all people? There have been no reliable polls to show that Estonians consider themselves a Nordic country. This survey that "55% consider Estonia a Nordic country" is not reliable. This was done at a special event, the purpose of which was to strengthen Estonia's relations with Scandinavia - it is logical that the visitors responded as the organizers needed.

By the way, Estonia was also under Polish rule, why do you deny it? A comprehensive study of this period has recently been published. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs