Talk:Good old days

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It's not just aching hips[edit]

It's not just aching hips: This doesn't deserve space in the main page, but I found it amusing: Circa 1992 I was stuck on a New York bus (near Columbus Circle) and wound-up chatting with the man next to me, who said he lectured in Roumanian history at N.Y.U.. He mentioned that he was studying a small group of people in Roumania who wanted a return to the monarchy. I asked who they were, and what they thought was so good about it. He replied that he wasn't sure about their claims, and that they all seemed to be very old men. 'Oh!' I blurted out, 'Theyʼre nostalgic for when they could get erections.'. He agreed.

Maybe not, though: years later, in the U.S. and Britain at least, wide availability of inexpensive NO inhibitors (sildanefil, tadalafil,…) doesn't seem to have prevented a wave of golden ageism…though add '…and were vaguely attractive enough to use them'and perhaps then Bob would be our uncle. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs