Talk:Great Chain of Being

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This Christianity related article has not received a brainstar for quality. Please consider expanding the article appropriately. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.



Possibly include a reference to FallenLondon-verse? There it's an actual thing, though enforced, not natural. And stars, being gods there, are ultimate conservative jerks. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

A funny coincidence I noticed[edit]

Is it just me, or is this "Great Chain of Being" concept similar to Hinduism's tiers of reincarnation and its justification for India's caste system? It's most likely a coincidence, but I couldn't help making comparisons as I read this page. I'll have to look into it further. --LeCapraGrande (talk) 14:44, 14 December 2024 (UTC)

It's a hierarchical structure that carries with it assumptions about the value of some life over others, so that's probably where the similarity comes in. Carthage (talk) 15:25, 14 December 2024 (UTC)
I especially noticed the similarity with Lamarck's version where evolution could take things up the chain. That is… pretty much how reincarnation is said to work in Hinduism, with souls going up or down that chain of being based on karma from their actions during life. --LeCapraGrande (talk) 15:32, 14 December 2024 (UTC)