Talk:Jerry Coyne

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This article is out of date[edit]

Coyne has swung further and further to the right, is anti-Muslim, pro-evolutionary psychology, and claims to be liberal while having nothing bad to say about Peter Thiel, even after he appeared in the Thiel key-noted conference at Stanford. He's a pal of Steven Pinker and Michael Shermer. He recently teamed up with Quillette author Anna Krylov to push another free speech grift. He is gradually becoming very much on par with Stephan Molyneux. My posts mentioning Coyne — Unsigned, by: 2603:7000:2703:74:fda8:72b6:9e30:87c0 / talk / contribs

What you are saying is true. Jerry Coyne has also published bizarre defences of a weak form of race realism. He also defends HBD people on his blog like Emily Willoughby and many others including Richard Hanania. Jerry Coyne doesn't like RationalWiki and has attacked it on his blog as being far-left. I understand some RationalWiki users will like Coyne because of his debunking of creationists in the past, but we can't ignore the last 5 years where he has published so much nonsense. Johns (talk) 20:26, 9 June 2023 (UTC)

He is also a transphobe. (talk) 00:36, 13 July 2023 (UTC)


Jerry Coyne has been a vocal transphobe for a few years now. I'm surprised this article hasn't covered it yet. Can someone please add a section about Coyne's anti-trans beliefs? (talk) 05:25, 31 January 2024 (UTC)