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Today my mother has decided we must end tenure, as tenured professors never teach,and are liberals. So we should fire them. Thoughts anyone? (why do I still live at home? does not count)Tyrannis (talk) 14:49, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

It does not make any sense. Even if the accusations are true, tenure just means that there needs to be a really good reason to fire them. Political beliefs have nothing to do with the quality of teaching unless they cause bias, and tenure has no effect on that. Without it, it would be much easier for universities to replace them with professors and lecturers who don't get paid as much because they don't know as much about the subject. It could even potentially allow the universities to enforce any bias that they might have. --Whyhow (talk) 19:41, 14 June 2014 (UTC)

I'm an adjunct professor, and I am entitled to the title "professor." I'd like to hear where it says otherwise. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs (signed by bot) 01:22, 31 August 2014 (UTC)