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This is an archive page, last updated 16 July 2023. Please do not make edits to this page.
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Some of those links are spectacularly funny, especially the one about maritime law. It sort of boggles the mind that at one point, actual living people sat down and wrote all that drivel, though. --AKjeldsenGodspeed! 14:36, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

I have been playing with these people off and on for a while now........they are at least as much fun as the Creationist and its seems "fresher" but the problem is that 1) they have guns and like to kill things and 2) if one is not careful one can become involved in legal issues........which is a story for another time and another place :). tmtoulouse nettle 14:50, 2 November 2007 (EDT)
I hope you don't mind, I'm kinda copyediting some of this article. humanUser talk:Human 17:22, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

Pseudolaw and conspiracy theories[edit]

Where is the proof that there is not a new world order? Elassint Throw things at me 14:59, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

Same place where I keep the proof that there is no god and no invisible pink unicorns as well. tmtoulouse nettle 15:01, 2 November 2007 (EDT)
HMMM. You seem to think that the New World Order revolves around magic and stuff. Well, what do you think the war on terror is for? Elassint Throw things at me 15:04, 2 November 2007 (EDT)
No, merely pointing out that "where is the proof that such and such does not exist" is not really a valid argument. It's the whole proving a negative problem. The burden of proof is on the person proposing the existence. The default position is one of skepticism. tmtoulouse nettle 15:08, 2 November 2007 (EDT)
There is proof that there is a New World Order right in front of your eyes. Its called the "War on terror" while it would be more appropriately called the "War on our freedoms."Elassint Throw things at me 15:18, 2 November 2007 (EDT)
In what way is this proof of a "new world order", what do you mean by "new world order"? tmtoulouse nettle 15:20, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

Where is "new world order" in this article? humanUser talk:Human 17:19, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

I guess it was implied by reference to the Masons and Illuminati. *shrug* tmtoulouse nettle 17:25, 2 November 2007 (EDT)

If there was a single conspiracy controlling everything, one would hope they'd do a better job of it than the mess we see now. --SockOfGulik 17:32, 2 November 2007 (EDT)