Talk:Ray Blanchard

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Pleases no one[edit]

His typology is riddled with sweeping generalizations based on limited evidence, along with certain absurdities such as denying the existence of genuine transfeminine bisexuality. This is what pisses off trans people about him, but endears him to transphobes. His typology is something he seems very invested in defending. I think it's a sunk cost thing. He doesn't want to admit his theory is wrong or flawed.

But he denies there is a population crossover between pedophilia and transness (based on his personal experience treating both); advocates gender transition in some cases; dispels certain other myths, etc. Which draws hatred from transphobes. Pleasing nobody is not inherently a sign of being correct, and certainly not a sign of being correct all the time. It is somewhat noteworthy that he isn't just a down-the-line transphobe, though. Chillpilled (talk) 22:18, 13 November 2023 (UTC) (Jonanism is informative.) Chillpilled (talk) 19:55, 16 November 2023 (UTC)