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Scams, hoaxes and amusements[edit]

Perhaps there should be a distinction between the several categories - and it should be noted that they range from the harmless (the ones 'everybody knows about') to the seriously damaging.

There will also be the amusements - such as the Time Travellers Fund. (talk) 10:25, 14 July 2017 (UTC)

A scam is a scam, no matter what scam it is. Some people still fall for the Nigerian prince crap, surprisingly enough.--Spoony (talk) 10:27, 14 July 2017 (UTC)
The Nigerian prince/Spanish prisoner scam is a tax on stupidity #now that it is general knowledge# (along with others of that ilk).
There should be some system of classification. The TTF would be at the 'very harmless' end (only one small payment and you get a certificate with it). (talk) 11:40, 14 July 2017 (UTC)