Talk:The Positive Case for Design

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This Creationism related article has been awarded BRONZE status for quality. It's getting there, but could be better with improvement. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


Intelligent designers. Have you considered beavers, hornets, birds who build nests. Would that be classed as intelligence ? would humans recognise an alien artifact as deliberate design.? I believe that there were problems with humans trying to interpret the plaque sent out by NASA. Hamster (talk) 04:21, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

Expected response: A nest isn't irreducibly complex. Of course, why irreducible complexity implies design isn't all that clear. Šţěŗĭļė US Navy aircraft carrier 14:26, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

In regards to the first rebuttal[edit]

He doesn't say that the document will not be an argument against evolution, he only says that it will be a positive one, rather than a negative one that relies on God-of-the-gaps type thinking. Stilldeciding (talk) 01:26, 23 November 2011 (UTC)