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Talk:The Spirit Science/Archive1

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This is an archive page, last updated 18 April 2018. Please do not make edits to this page.
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Poe's Law[edit]

Could Spirit Science actually be a spoof? -- (talk) 16:47, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

Sure it could. And I could be Bigfoot. Virtually anything could be true. The question is what it the probability of its being true? What is the evidence?--Weirdstuff (talk) 14:31, 27 January 2014 (UTC)

okay the whole martian thing is bull. im not sure where this guy got his information but i think he needs to do some more research. Spirit science is based of alighning ones chakaras, the power of thought, and becoming one with the universe around us.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

Either way it's a whole bunch of crap. - Grant (Talk) 21:43, 1 April 2014 (UTC)
He got it from Jordan's "History of the World" video. I don't have time to recap it right here, and Martymer does a better job of it anyway. Dig it: -- (talk) 08:34, 2 June 2014 (UTC)

You know, it would actually be cool if we (Jews) were aliens. (talk) Meshakhad 02:14, 20 February 2015 (UTC)

BoN's comment[edit]

comment from "Oh Really..?! so who are you to say that? History is always written by the winner... think about that, and now I await your scientific proof that the things on spirit science are not true! You better try out for yourself before judging anything. We humans are much more and much greater than we are told we are. You can try out yourself... but do you have the guts to do it? Do you have the guts to make true what you believe? Or are you still helping the so called 'leaders' to realize what they want!? I guess you belong to the second... Have a nice experience then! Oh and before i forget: Claiming you care about the poor believers is just making me laughing my ass off... Really... Check Out Reality! I see every day that its true! You gonna live what you believe! And getting free of the hardwiring that has been done with most of us is hard work! The education system does a great job in transforming wonderful creational godlike beings into mind controlled slaves... why else should we continue to go to work for money that is 1. Nothing worth cause you can hardly buy anything really usefull (Most food you buy and eat is shit - thats why you look like you do! Most of the westerns are fat and can't last longer than 2 minutes in bed... I mean... THATS REAL BAD! and 2. work for money that is used to make war all around the world and produce more shit noone ever needs. Time to Wake Up! We all can live a live full of happiness and joy Just: Eat Right! Move! Believe the impossible! Your Mind matters! So start to create your realitiy now! and start to really experience yourself and everything around you! For that... is a great place to start. any emails welcome. thats why i put it. I'm not afraid. I Love!"— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs 19:58, 20 February 2015‎

Move! Believe in the impossible! Yours is the drill that wait that's not right. Trick (talk) 20:18, 20 February 2015 (UTC)