Words, just words

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Words, just words

Marcus clearly has no respect for the system we are attempting to establish and is not going to mount a defence. The votes are overwhelmingly one way, including 4 out of the 7 moderators. Is it time to stem the bleeding? --> How many times do I have to say this? If it takes 10,000 years of living in the mountains, eating nothing but wild honey and drinking nothing but glacial ice; I will resist. I will always resist. I will always be here to resist. Never forget that. Your discussion is academic because I do not intend to abide by the tyrannies of the new Kafkaesque politburo. I warned about the dangers of this new system when they were formed, and was laughed out of it. Yet somehow I don't think anyone was surprised. This was your plan all along. (talk)14:30, 10 July 2011

Please address all hyperbole to the appropriate talkpage.

- π Moderator14:37, 10 July 2011