Answers research journal.

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Answers research journal.

I always wanted to tell you I'm so glad you do this. the "journal" is one of those thing we should be strongly destroying, line by line, as well as other big, often visited, often cited sites. Yet we build up a straw man called "CP", and attack a poe sight as if it mattered to anyone other than trolls. So thanks for doing that. I don't really know biology well enough to ever help, but I'm glad you do, and "you are". --Pink mowse.pngGodotoi, putain, genial, merci 07:33, 1 March 2012 (UTC)

Pink mowse.pngGodotoi, putain, genial, merci07:33, 1 March 2012

You're welcome, Godot. It's actually one of the only things that keeps me at RW when I get frustrated with it. You'd be surpised how little science content you need, as often times they are just rehashing old stuff. Sometimes I wish we had someone better versed in rhetoric to analyze these things.

steriletalk04:37, 2 March 2012

(Oh, and Pi helps out a lot, too!)

steriletalk04:39, 2 March 2012