Martin Luther King Jr. was a [[concern troll]]

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Are you seriously so divorced from reality that you can't spot Concern Trolling when you see it? Fucking get a better pair of specs and stop bothering me until then.

SuspectedReplicant retire me00:45, 11 September 2011

I can spot when people overuse the word "troll" for their own ends. In fact, most (not all, though) instances of "trolling" I've ever seen are, in fact, not trolling at all but people merely labeling it as such. I think people are too eager to jump on the "concern trolling" bandwagon because they're a little too sensitive of criticism and the fact - shock of horrors - they may not be universally agreed with. Importantly, I don't think anyone is innocent of that.

ADK...I'll nuke your hovel!00:52, 11 September 2011

Yadda yadda yadda. Presumably you've read the comments of everybody else who thinks he's a troll? If you have, go and annoy them instead of me. If not, go and do some reading instead of spreading your ignorance everywhere. Go on - off you fuck.

SuspectedReplicant retire me01:00, 11 September 2011