Help in creating a satirical article about Conservapedia
Help in creating a satirical article about Conservapedia
I plan to create an article in either the Conservapedia or Fun namespace titled "Conservapedia is secretly liberal", detailing the users' hypocrisy when it comes to evil liberal doctrine and their own good conservative actions. However, the article creation help page doesn't provide much information on this. Could you please help me get started?
Again, sorry if you're the wrong person to ask this to.
Add Conservapedia: or Fun: in front of the articles name when creating it. So use "Fun:Conservapedia is secretly liberal" as the articles name for creation(if you put it in funspace.)
Oh. I was hoping you would give me some advice on how to structure it. Anyway, that's OK; I'll get started on it now.
Try here, if you have any other questions, please ask me.