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Reading The Handmaid's Tale this weekend after final are done.

Humorless fascistsociopath20:05, 7 December 2012

otherwise known as 2012, the alternative presidency.

Green mowse.pngGodot She was a venus demilo in her sister's jeans20:13, 7 December 2012

When I first read it in teh 80's it was as "out there" as anything could have been. but each year i see us walking closer and closer to it.

Green mowse.pngGodot She was a venus demilo in her sister's jeans20:14, 7 December 2012

Any other recommendations for books? I'm going away for a few days after class let out for a week.

Humorless fascistsociopath20:16, 7 December 2012

fiction, light philo? or science? I'm going to attack Michael Schemer's newest, the believing brain, or some such.

Green mowse.pngGodot She was a venus demilo in her sister's jeans00:13, 8 December 2012

Anything really, I'm not too picky.

Humorless fascistsociopath00:19, 8 December 2012
Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.01:26, 8 December 2012

[1] looks light and fun. The Other Sex is a must read, of course (debeauvoir). And of course, 50 shades of grey.

Green mowse.pngGodot She was a venus demilo in her sister's jeans01:52, 8 December 2012

Now if only I had money.

Humorless fascistsociopath01:54, 8 December 2012

i read on my laptop. libraries have digital copies and... um... yeah.

Green mowse.pngGodot She was a venus demilo in her sister's jeans02:03, 8 December 2012

I got a kindle for my birthday. I've ported over the few ebooks I have (Handmaid, Jurassic Park, Lost World, Jane Eyre) but have few funds. Then again, I'm moving soon and rent will go down drastically so hmm.

Humorless fascistsociopath02:09, 8 December 2012

You know Kindles can read .pdfs, right? To the internets!

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)03:14, 8 December 2012

And .txts as well, before I forget.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)03:21, 8 December 2012

Raiding Gutenberg is on the to do list.

Humorless fascistsociopath03:27, 8 December 2012