The tyranny of Big Abortion

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Sorry, that ain't how it works -- Sartre was an existentialist. The 20th C. was a great time for philosophy (see Sartre, Camus, Foucault, Russell, Wittgenstein, Popper, Duhem, Dewey, etc.). You philistine! :P

Also, "20th century pursuits...high literary playwrights..." And your username is a Beckett play.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)07:22, 16 February 2012

(Yes, I knew it wasn't officially post modernism -- my jokes never go over well. it's good i do not think i should be a comedian).

Do you think I *understand* Godot? Do you think anyone understands Godot? absurdism is named well. But at least it's not meant to be understood (I think). Wittgenstein and Russell I also understand well, cause again, it was / is a very focused philosophy. Of your list though, Popper, Duhem, Dewey all lose me.

As for Camus, i must really not understand literature. I read L'etranger, (several times), and yet it's listed as absurdest by wikipedia. The character is dark, isolated, driven, cold but his actions follow from that isolation. I was with the author the entire time. I read Godot or Rhinoceros and the whole time, I'm saying "is this supposed to have meaning?" "am I supposed to extract something from it, or just go with it". Absurdest to me is a literature that does not follow from character formation. So why is L'etranger absurdest?

I do so much better on things that are more obvious, I guess. or I don't have the right guides to help "get" modern thinking or I don't know(?)

Pink mowse.pngGodotGrow a vagina15:47, 16 February 2012

Ahem "comedienne"

PsyGremlinTala!15:52, 16 February 2012