Trying to prevent RationalWiki judging Christianity too harshly

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In the UK I have met many people who say you make your Hell here on Earth. I didn't think of them as liberal Christians, I thought of them as ignorant Christians because I know that's non-biblical. Also it takes no account of the many happy wrong doers here or of people whose life is Hell on earth through no fault of their own. On reflection I think Godot may be right, they are liberal Christians. Facepalm.

I don't know much in detail about what those who say Hell is something you make here believe. I don't discuss Hell in detail with them because I don't want to start getting them frightened.

Proxima Centauri (talk)18:56, 16 July 2012

You won't "get them frightened". If they are bothered at all, they will use cognitive dissonance to block out what you say all together. and if they aren't bothered, you might find an interesting conversation - or even a place to make them say "hey, maybe I don't need the facade of a God". But you should talk to them about it.

I'm sure you have things to share with them, that might make them think! (To me, personally, my goal is not to make atheists out of them - but at least make them THINKING christians).

Green mowse.pngGodotQu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons19:03, 16 July 2012