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The real interest of America: A Big Mac and fries

McDonald's Corporation is the world's most notorious supplier of grease hamburgers. It was founded in its modern corporation form by a multimixer salesman named Ray Kroc, who bought the name from the McDonald brothers. The corporation has generated much controversy over charges including providing unhealthy food, cutting down rainforests, and the McLibel case where several people were caught up in a legal battle with the giant Goliath McDonald's over pamphlets provided by London Greenpeace (at the time it did not have an affiliation with the larger Greenpeace organization) and only two of them didn't surrender: Helen Steel and David (surprise?) Morris.

Critics claim the fast food giant is the reason why so many Americans are obese, including children and adolescents. However, the corporation claims they are going in the right direction. This includes putting apples in Happy Meals and not marketing hamburgers and fries directly to children, selling milk and juice as an alternative to soda and milkshakes, eliminating trans fats from French fries, and selling salads to adults (which, after McDonald's hired a new head chef, became edible). Despite these new innovations, critics still claim that McDonald's is a greaseball since hamburgers and fries are still the heavyweights.