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My name is Sanne. I came across RationalWiki when researching some too-good-to-be-true woo I read in a book about running. (I love running, I'd love to get better at it, but before I go all the way to improve myself, I'd like to know whether what I'm doing makes sense.) Browsing through the site, I kind of got hooked by the sheer amount of content and the writing style. Much more fun than Wikipedia.

During the corona pandemic, I've been appalled by all the conspiracy theories about the origin of the disease and the world's governments' measures to control it. (I'm from The Netherlands, and I think our government handles the crisis fairly well - although some decisions and mistakes are definitely up for evaluation - but according to some of my fellow Dutchies, we've been robbed of all our basic liberties for the rest of our lives. And it's not only the usual suspects who believe this, but also otherwise sensible people.) AND I'm flabbergasted by the words and actions of the leader of the greatest country in the world. Really - it would have been funny if it weren't so sad...

My mission here is to contribute to the refutation of these alternative facts where I can. And to translate a page or two into Dutch, so I can refer my not-so-proficient-in-English family and friends to this entertaining website.